A change of events can turn your finances upside down overnight, and suddenly foreclosure isn’t something that only happens to the other guy. It is possible to avoid foreclosure quickly once you realize selling the house can happen just as fast as the events that created the situation.
Most of us don’t have unlimited access to cash so getting caught up on missed payments isn’t going to be a quick fix. Typically the problem that caused you to miss making the house payment hasn’t completely gone away. Now you are dealing with the bank threatening to foreclose on your home on top of that. Just as life can change quickly so can you decide to sell the house.
Selling your house does not have to be complicated or consume your time. Once you have decided that getting out from under the financial burden of the home is the priority, you now have options. JMS Home Buyers recommends that you contact a real estate agent to discuss listing the home. Explain the situation to the realtor and get their professional opinion on how to avoid foreclosure. If you don’t have a clear, easy path to avoiding foreclosure after meeting with the agent, call us and let us review the circumstances.
Are you dealing with the specific timeline? Are you using the equity from this home to pay the deposits for the lease on the apartment? Are you concerned that the condition of your home may make it difficult to find a buyer? Does showing your home and having an open house create more hardship on the family at this time than you can manage? These are all real problems that can be solved.
The buyer for your house needs to be able to close quickly around your timetable. They need to be able to buy the house regardless of the condition. It could be an older home with foundation issues, moisture under the home, an aging roof, and wood rot around the windows. Any combination of these do not have to delay closing when you work with a cash buyer.
If you think selling your house fast is going to be a problem, feel free to give us a call. Please help us understand how to help you. I think solving the problem starts with understanding what you need to accomplish and when. Avoiding or stopping foreclosure quickly can happen when you sell the home to a cash buyer. JMS Home Buyers buys homes in any condition when you need to sell your house fast. Call anytime to discuss how we can help you. 704-707-6016